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Renowned Speakers

Reshma Merchant

Reshma Merchant

National University Hospital Singapore

Jun Liu

Jun Liu

Sun Yat-sen University China

Yuqiu Zheng

Yuqiu Zheng

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital China

Kouichi Miyakawa

Kouichi Miyakawa

Japan Dementia Group Home Association Japan

Brent Harris

Brent Harris

Georgetown University Medical Center USA

Kathy Kirby

Kathy Kirby

Kyneton District Health Australia

Claude Michel Wischik

Claude Michel Wischik

TauRx Therapeutics UK

Nela Pivac

Nela Pivac

Rudjer Boskovic Institute Croatia

Euro Dementia-2025

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date June 19-20, 2025

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

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